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Willow Stream Fitness Tips from The Fairmont Southampton

Fairmont Southampton

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We absolutely love our Willow Stream Fitness Instructor, and Personal Trainer, Lauren. Always full of energy and lots of positive spirit, she keeps our guests (and us) motivated to stay active and fit.  She's also provided us with some terrific fitness tips - some that are authentically local to Bermuda, others just great fitness reminders - that we couldn't help but not share with you:

Lacking motivation to exercise? Training with a friend or hiring a personal trainer will give you the stick-to-itiveness and guidance you need to succeed. Take the next step in becoming a healthier you - Willow Stream Spa offers personal training to help you achieve your individual fitness goals! 

Forget the "no pain, no gain" talk. Research shows that regular, brisk walking can reduce the risk of heart attack by the same amount as more vigorous exercise, such as jogging. So tie up your shoe laces, get outside and reap those health benefits - while enjoying the beautiful terrain Bermuda naturally has to offer!

The body requires sleep in much the same way as it needs food, water and air. Adequate sleep plays a key part in promoting a healthy lifestyle, longevity, emotional well-being and can benefit your heart, weight, mind, and more. Aim for 7-8 hours tonight!

Be sure to enjoy some sunshine everyday.  The sun's rays help to boost your vitamin D levels and your overall health and mood.

Drink more water today. By consuming 6-8 cups daily, you can help to detoxify your body and skin, cut calories, fight the need to snack, think more clearly and help your body to perform at an optimum level.

It's true: If you don't use it - you lose it.  You can lose up to 80 percent of your fitness level in as little as two weeks if you're new to exercise. 

Energize your workday with an active commute.  Walk, run, or bike to work (or schedule it into your lunch hour) to kick start your day!

Do you and your loved one regularly schedule quality time for each other? Are you both getting enough exercise to feel healthy, fit and energized? If the answers are not a resounding yes, couple's personal training could bring you closer. Sharing a workout is a great way to enjoy some together-time and paves the way to a healthy, active lifestyle.


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