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Tire Sainte-Catherine


72 candies


40 Minutes
Total Time:
1 Hour

Other Notes

The tradition was brought to New France with the first settlers, but it is to Marguerite Bourgeoys, a teaching nun who was an important figure in the young colony, that we owe "St. Catherine's taffy." To attract the attention of her native girls, she decided to make some taffy. She had opened her first school in Ville-Marie (Montreal) on November 25, and she commemorated the anniversary each year by making taffy so that St. Catherine's day also became known in Quebec as "taffy day." Later on, it became customary for unmarried woman over the age of 25 to put on your apron and start pulling some taffy and give some to the eligible young men in the area to show off their cooking skill in the hopes of finding a husband.The tradition was brought to New France with the first settlers, but it is to Marguerite Bourgeoys, a teaching nun who was an important figure in the young colony, that we owe "St. Catherine's taffy." To attract the attention of her native girls, she decided to make some taffy. She had opened her first school in Ville-Marie (Montreal) on November 25, and she commemorated the anniversary each year by making taffy so that St. Catherine's day also became known in Quebec as "taffy day." Later on, it became customary for unmarried woman over the age of 25 to put on your apron and start pulling some taffy and give some to the eligible young men in the area to show off their cooking skill in the hopes of finding a husband.


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